Instructions to contributors

Entomological Problems publishes original papers (OP), reviews (R) and short notes (S) [faunistic records, biographies and book reviews] on all aspects of entomology and arachnology. All contributions are considered by referees and approved for publication by the Editorial Board.

Manuscripts submitted must not have been published or accepted for publication by any other journal. Contributions should not exceed 50 pages for OP and R, and 3 pages for S; a financial contribution may be requested from authors for printing of larger manuscripts or colour plates.

Authors must submit three copies of paper to the Editors (see inside front cover), complete with tables, figures and legends for figures. Manuscripts should be written in English or German, but the title, abstract, and key words of manuscripts in German must be translated into English. Authors not writing in their native language are urged to have manuscripts linguistically reviewed prior to submission; the English language editor provides only minor language corrections. All parts of a manuscript (text, references, footnotes, tables, legends for figures) should be typed with double spacing, on one side of the paper, preferably A4.

The title of the paper must be informative, but should not exceed twenty words. The name(s) and full address(es) of the author(s), including fax and E-mail, is placed under the title. The text should be preceded by an Abstract briefly summarising the content of the paper in less than 30 lines. Authors should provide a maximum of ten key words. The standard structure of a manuscripts is: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (Conclusions), Acknowledgements and References.

Contributors must respect the Articles of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Third Edition, 1985) and its recommendations. New taxa must be distinguished from related taxa. The abbreviations gen.nov., sp.nov., syn.nov., comb.nov., should be used to distinguish all new taxa, synonymies or new combinations. Geographical data and specimen labels should be used in a standard manner.

Measurements must be given in SI units. When data are expressed as means, some distribution about the mean should be given (e.g., standard deviation or range).

References within the text should be cited as: Collin (1956); (Kodada, 1989); Waloff & Jervis (1987); Yano et al. (1984). Literature listed in References should be given its full title in the original language. Authors should be listed alphabetically, papers of individual authors chronologically. Names of journals should be written in full or abbreviated according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals, however usage must be consistent throughout manuscript.


Byron, A. 1990. A cladistic analysis of the nomadine bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea). Systematic Entomology 15(2): 121-152.

Kodada, J. & Jäch, M.A. 1995. Dryopidae: 1. Check list and bibliography of the Dryopidae of China (Coleoptera). pp 325-328. In: Jäch, M. & Ji, L. (eds.) Water Beetles of China. Vol. I. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Österreich and Wiener Coleopterologenverein, Wien.

Stachowiak, H. 1973. Allgemeine Modeltheorie. Springer-Verlag, Wien. 494 pp.

Figures may be line drawings boldly drawn in black water-proof ink or half tones (photographs), labelled with pre-printed letters (large enough to allow reduction), accompanied by some indication of scale and numbered serially. They should be arranged in plates; and submitted no larger than twice their printed size. Authors should refrain from mixing drawings and half tone illustrations.

Legends for figures should be grouped together on a separate sheet. Colour plates are printed by special arrangement only. Tables must be on separate sheets, should be self-explanatory and should not be ruled up. Original figures will not be returned automatically.

Manuscripts not conforming with these directives are liable to be returned to the authors.

After a paper has been accepted for publication, original figures, the final revised paper copies of the manuscript and one exact copy on a 3.5-inch or CD-ROM computer disk are to be sent to the Editors. IBM formatting is required and Word for Windows processors or ASCII file are preferred. The authors should refrain from using special codes for text formatting. Any effects that cannot be achieved by the world processor (e.g., some special characters) must be clearly marked by hand on the paper copy.

Page proofs. The corresponding author receives a copy of the edited manuscript on which deletions, additions, and changes can be made. The latter will receive page proofs with their original typescript, for approval. Both must be returned to the Executive Editors within 48 hours of receipt. Because changes in proofs are expensive, authors should not make major changes in their work at this stage.

Reprints, and charges. Page charge for publication of manuscripts is 6€ for each printed page to cover some of the expenses of publishing. Twenty five reprints of each paper are provided free of charge. Additional reprints may be ordered at current prices when you return your page proof. Charge for 1 to 4 colour plates is 300€. Exceptions should be negotiated in advance with the editors.

All correspodence should be adressed to:

Entomological Problems
Institute of Zoology
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Dúbravská cesta 9
845 06 Bratislava, Slovakia