Entomological Problems Vol. 31, No. 2 - December 2000 |
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Wewalka, G.
Taxonomic revision of Allopachria
(Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)
Kodada, J. & Boukal, D.S.
Monstrosostea solivaga new genus and species of aberrant
terrestrial dryopid from southern India (Coleoptera: Dryopidae)
Mostovski, M.B. & Martínez-Delclós, X.
New Nemestrinoidea (Diptera: Brachycera) from the Upper Jurassic -
Lower Cretaceous of Eurasia, taxonomy and palaeobiology
Jendek, E.
Eight new species of the genus Agrilus from Asia
(Coleoptera: Buprestidae)
Jäch, M.A. & Díaz, J.A.
New and little known Palearctic species of the genus
Hydraena VI (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae)
Hlaváč, P. & Lakota, J.
Redescription and lectotype designation of Lomechusa stangei
(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae)
Solodovnikov, A. & Schillhammer, H.
Bisnius speculicollis sp.nov., a new nidicolous rove beetle
from the Western Caucasus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)
Shaverdo, H.
Description of first instars of Hydroporus palustris,
H. striola and H. incognitus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), with a key to the known first
instars of Hydroporus from the Palaearctic region
Zettel, H.
Rhagovelia inexpectata sp.nov., a sibling species of
R. sumatrensis from Southeast Asia (Heteroptera: Veliidae)
Schillhammer, H. & Smetana, A.
A remarkable teratology of Philonthus brevithorax
(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)
Ševčík, J.
A new species of Symmerus from Laos
(Diptera: Ditomyiidae)
Čiampor Jr., F.
Graphelmis prisca sp.nov. from India (Coleoptera: Elmidae)
Fedor, P. J. & Majzlan, O.
On distribution of Oecanthus pellucens in Slovakia
Jendek, E.
Revision of the Agrilus cyaneoniger species group
Vršanský, P. & Mostovski, M.B.
Vivablatta nom.nov., new replacement name for the genus
Kargalia (Insecta: Blattaria)
Wewalka, G. 2000.
Taxonomic revision of Allopachria (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae).
Entomol. Probl. 31(2): 97-128.
The dytiscid genus Allopachria Zimmermann
is revised taxonomically. Twenty-five new species are described: A. abnormipenis sp.nov.
[Borneo], A. balkei sp.nov. [Borneo], A. beeri sp.nov. [Vietnam], A. dieterlei
sp.nov. [China], A. dudgeoni sp.nov. [China], A. ernsti sp.nov. [Vietnam],
A. friedrichi sp.nov. [China], A. froehlichi sp.nov. [China], A. guidettii
sp.nov. [Thailand], A. hautmanni sp.nov. [China], A. hendrichi sp.nov. [Java],
A. holmeni sp.nov. [Thailand], A. jaechi sp.nov. [China], A. jendeki sp.nov.
[China], A. jilanzhui sp.nov. [China], A. kodadai sp.nov. [Borneo], A. liselotteae
sp.nov. [China], A. sausai sp.nov. [Vietnam], A. schillhammeri sp.nov. [China],
A. schoenmanni sp.nov. [China], A. scholzi sp.nov. [China], A. schramhauseri
sp.nov. [Thailand], A. shepardi sp.nov. [Thailand], A. weinbergeri sp.nov. [China], and
A. zetteli [Borneo]. Allopachria barong
Hendrich, Balke & Wewalka is transferred to
Agnoshydrus, A. ullrichi Balke & Hendrich
will be assigned to a new genus and A. umbrosa
Zimmemann known to author only from the description is
excluded because it probably belongs to an other genus. Neotypes are designated for
A. quadripustulata Zimmermann and
A. flavomaculata (Kamiya) and a key to the 32
species of the genus Allopachria currently known until now is given.
Kodada, J. & Boukal, D.S.
2000. Monstrosostea solivaga new genus and species of aberrant terrestrial dryopid from
southern India (Coleoptera: Dryopidae). Entomol. Probl. 31(2): 129-136.
A new genus and species of a highly aberrant terrestrial dryopid, Monstrosostea solivaga, is
described from southern India. A single male was collected in the Nilgiri Hills at an altitude of
2100 m a.s.l. by sifting forest leaf litter. The new genus is characterised by modified labial and
maxillary palpi, antennal configuration and four-segmented tarsi. Franzyops
Kodada, 1998 is considered as a junior synonym of
Momentum Perkins, 1997.
Mostovski, M.B. &
Martínez-Delclós, X. 2000. New Nemestrinoidea (Diptera: Brachycera) from the Upper Jurassic -
Lower Cretaceous of Eurasia, taxonomy and palaeobiology.
Entomol. Probl. 31(2): 137-148.
New nemestrinoids belonging to the families Rhagionemestriidae and Nemestrinidae from the Jurassic
deposits of the Southern Kazakhstan and Germany and Lower Cretaceous deposits of Spain, Russia, and
Mongolia are described. The authors argued including the Heterostominae in the Rhagionemestriidae;
and the latter is considered as a connecting link between Xylophagidae and Nemestrinidae. The
Nemestrinoidea and Nemestrinidae themselves demonstrate high taxonomic diversity since the Middle -
Upper Jurassic although members of the families Rhagionemestriidae and Nemestrinidae appeared in the
Lower Jurassic for the first time. Both extinct Archinemestriinae and extant Hirmoneurinae are known
since the Jurassic, while Nemestrininae came into palaeontological record in the Lower Cretaceous.
Fossil nemestrinids, at least those with long proboscis, are postulated to be connected with
bennettites or angiosperms as nectar-feeders and possibly pollinators.
Jendek, E.
2000. Eight new species of the genus Agrilus from Asia (Coleoptera: Buprestidae).
Entomol. Probl. 31 (2): 149-154.
Eight new species of the genus Agrilus (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) are described:
A. champasak sp.nov., A. myopic sp.nov., A. robustipenis sp.nov.,
A. pseudoostrinus sp.nov., A. gaoligong sp.nov., A. notoclavus sp.nov.,
A. charismaticus sp.nov., A. horaki sp.nov.
Jäch, M.A. & Díaz, J.A.
2000. New and little known Palearctic species of the genus Hydraena VI
(Coleoptera: Hydraenidae). Entomol. Probl. 31(2): 155-162.
Two new species of Hydraena are described: H. hortensis [northwestern Greece],
H. larissae [northern Italy]. One new synonymy is proposed: Hydraena rufipennis
Boscá Berga, 1932 = H. claryi
Jäch, 1994. A lectotype is designated for
H. rufipennis. The remarkable morphological variability of H. stussineri
Kuwert, 1888 is described and illustrated.
Hydraena delia is recorded from France for the first time.
Hlaváč, P. &
Lakota, J. 2000. Redescription and lectotype designation of Lomechusa stangei
(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Entomol. Probl. 31(2): 163-164
Lomechusa stangei (Reitter), comb.nov., is
redescribed and illustrated; redescription is based on two female syntypes, one of which was
designated as lectotype.
Solodovnikov, A. & Schillhammer, H.
2000. Bisnius speculicollis sp.nov., a new nidicolous rove beetle
from the Western Caucasus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae).
Entomol. Probl. 31(2): 165-170.
Bisnius speculicollis sp.nov., a nidicolous rove beetle (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae,
Staphylininae) from the burrows of the endemic Caucasian rodent Prometheomys schaposchnikovi
Satunin, 1901, is described from the Western Caucasus.
The new species is compared with the presumably closely related B. reitteri
(Eppelsheim, 1889) and data on the bionomics and
distribution of both are provided. The habitus, the aedeagus and important morphological details
of the new species, as well as the paramere and the female tergite X of B. reitteri are
illustrated. A brief outline on the natural history of P. schaposchnikovi is compiled, and
the presumably close ecological relationship of B. speculicollis with its mammal host is
Shaverdo, H.
2000. Description of first instars of Hydroporus palustris,
H. striola and H. incognitus (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae), with a key to the known first
instars of Hydroporus from the Palaearctic region.
Entomol. Probl. 31(2): 171-174.
The first instars of Hydroporus palustris (Linnaeus),
H. striola (Gyllenhal), and
H. incognitus Sharp are described and
illustrated. The larvae used in this study were reared ex ovo from adults collected in Belarus. A
preliminary key to the known first instars of Hydroporus is provided.
Zettel, H. 2000.
Rhagovelia inexpectata sp.nov., a sibling species of R. sumatrensis from Southeast
Asia (Heteroptera: Veliidae). Entomol. Probl. 31 (2): 175-178.
The newly described riffle bug Rhagovelia inexpectata sp.nov. is a sibling species of the
common Oriental species R. sumatrensis Lundblad,
1933. Rhagovelia inexpectata sp.nov. occurs in Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam, within the
distribution area of R. sumatrensis, and partly syntopic with this species. In contrast with
all other Southeast Asian species of Rhagovelia, the macropterous morph of
R. inexpectata sp.nov. is predominating.
Schillhammer, H. &
Smetana, A. 2000. A remarkable teratology of Philonthus brevithorax
(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae. Entomol. Probl. 31(2): 179-180.
A teratological specimen of Philonthus brevithorax
Bernhauer, 1934 is described and important features
of the specimen are illustrated.
Ševčík, J.
2000. A new species of Symmerus from Laos
(Diptera: Ditomyiidae). Entomol. Probl. 31(2): 181-182.
Symmerus (Psilosymmerus) kubani sp.nov. is described from the Louang Phrabang
province in northern Laos. This is the southernmost record of the genus Symmerus and the first
record of the family Ditomyiidae from Laos.
Čiampor Jr., F.
2000. Graphelmis prisca sp.nov. from India (Coleoptera: Elmidae).
Entomol. Probl. 31(2): 183-185.
A new Elminae species Graphelmis prisca sp.nov. is described from India. It bears all general
features characteristic of the genus Graphelmis, but differs mainly in having well developed
parameres, separated from the penis.
Fedor, P. J. &
Majzlan, O. 2000. On distribution of Oecanthus pellucens in Slovakia.
Entomol. Probl. 31(2): 186.
Oecanthus pellucens (Scopoli, 1763) is one of
infiltrative species, distributed in Central and especially Southern Europe, in Asia as well as in
Northern Africa. Northern boundary of its geographical distribution crosses area of Slovakia. It
belongs to markedly xerothermophilous orthopterous insect species, occurring in dry steppe or
woodland steppe biotopes of Slovakia. This article refers to its distribution in Slovakia.
Jendek, E. 2000.
Revision of the Agrilus cyaneoniger species group.
Entomol. Probl. 31(2): 187-193.
Agrilus cyaneoniger species group is established and diagnosed, two new species of
Agrilus are described: A. lubopetri sp.nov., A. qinling sp.nov.
Agrilus agnatus Kerremans is considered as a
valid species. All species are keyed and illustrated. Lectotypes of Agrilus auristernum
Obenberger, Agrilus agnatus
Kerremans, Agrilus bifoveolatus
Kerremans are designated.
Vršanský, P. &
Mostovski, M.B. 2000. Vivablatta nom.nov., new replacement name for the genus
Kargalia (Insecta: Blattaria). Entomol. Probl. 31(2): 194.
New replacement names are proposed for the genus Kargalia
Vishnyakova, 1994 and subfamily
Kargaliinae Vishnayakova, 1994 to avoid
homonymy with the conchostracan genus Kargalia
Novojilov, 1956.