Entomological Problems Vol. 29, No. 2 - December 1998 |
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Marusik Y. M. & Koponen S.
New and little known spiders of the subfamily Dictynidae (Araneae:
Dictynidae) from South Siberia
Vrabec V. & Jindra Z.
The caterpillars of the rare butterfly Euphydryas maturna
(Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) as food for the predatory bug Picromerus bidens
(Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
Janák J.
Eine neue Art und neue Funde der Gattung Stenus aus
Uganda (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)
Ji L. & Jäch M. A.
Description of Eupotemus gen. nov. (Coleoptera: Epimetopidae)
and world check list of the species of Epimetopidae
Jäch M. A., Aguilera P. & Hernando C.
New and little known Palearctic species of the genus Hydraena
(s.l.) V (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae)
Hendrich L. & Balke M.
A new species of Platambus Thomson (s.str.) from Northern Laos
(Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)
Ribera I. & Millán A.
Limnebius aguilerai sp. nov. from south Morocco (Coleoptera:
Schödl S.
Taxonomic revision of Enochrus (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae)
I. The E. bicolor species complex
Zettel H.
Four new species of Hydrotrephes(Heteroptera: Helotrephidae)
from Thailand and Laos
Vít S. & Hlaváè P.
Review of Euconnus (Tetramelus) of the reitteri
group (Coleoptera: Scydmaenidae)
Schimmel R.
Neue und wenig bekannte Schnellkäfer aus Südostasien (Coleoptera:
Marusik Y. M. &
Koponen S. 1998. New and little known spiders of the subfamily Dictynidae (Araneae:
Dictynidae) from South Siberia. Entomol. Probl. 29 (2): 79-86.
Seven species of Dictynid spiders are described: Ajmonia
lehtineni sp.nov. (Mongolia), Emblyna mongolica
sp.nov. (Tuva, Mongolia), Emblyna kaszabi sp.nov.
(Mongolia), Emblyna logunovi sp.nov. (Tuva, Mongolia), Dictyna
ubsunurica sp.nov. (Tuva), Dictyna obydovi sp.nov. (Tuva). Emblyna burjatica
(Danilov, 1994) comb.nov. and Dictyna sotnik
Danilov, 1994 are redescribed
and the male of E. burjatica is described.
Vrabec V. & Jindra
Z. 1998. The caterpillarsof the rare butterfly Euphydryas maturna (Lepidoptera:
Nymphalidae) as food for the predatory bug Picromerus bidens
(Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Entomol. Probl. 29 (2): 87-90.
The strong invasion of caterpillars by the
predatory pentatomid Picromerus bidens (Linné,
1758) was observed during a study on the population ecology of the rare
butterfly Euphydryas maturna (Linné, 1758)
in the territory of Central Bohemia. Natural control by P. bidens
can be a very important factor for the survival of a population of E. maturna in the
conditions described. This observation is reported with more details in a short note.
Janák J. 1998.
Eine neue Art und neue Funde der Gattung Stenus aus Uganda (Coleoptera:
Staphylinidae). Entomol. Probl. 29 (2): 91-93.
A new species of the genus Stenus Latreille,
1796 from Entebe in Uganda is described, illustrated and compared with
S. cooperi Bernhauer, 1931.
New data on the distribution of an additional 6 species are presented.
Ji L., Jäch M. A. 1998.
Description of Eupotemus gen. nov. (Coleoptera: Epimetopidae) and world check list of the
species of Epimetopidae. Entomol. Probl. 29 (2): 95-97.
Eupotemus gen. nov. (Coleoptera: Epimetopidae) is described. Eumetopus limicola
Delève is designated as type species of
Eupotemus. Georyssus carinaticollis
Basilewsky is transferred to the new genus. The new genus is restricted to the Afrotropical
Region. A world check list of Epimetopidae species is provided. Eupotemus
limicola is recorded from Gabon for the first time.
Jäch M. A., Aguilera
P. & Hernando C. 1998. New and little known Palearctic species of the genus
Hydraena (s.l.) V (Coleoptera: Hydraenidae). Entomol. Probl. 29 (2): 99-105.
Two new species of Hydraenidae, Hydraena (s.str.) riberai and H. (s.str.)
antiatlantica, are described from Morocco. The nomenclatoral-taxonomic problem
concerning Hydraena africana Kuwert is
Hendrich L. & Balke
M. 1998. A new species of Platambus
Thomson (s.str.) from Northern Laos (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae). Entomol.
Probl. 29 (2): 107-108.
Platambus strbai sp. nov. is described from Northern Laos. So far it is the only species
of the genus known from this country. The species is well characterized by its
small size, the colour of the elytra and the median lobe of the aedephagus.
Ribera I. & Millán
A. 1998. Limnebius aguilerai sp.nov. from south Morocco (Coleoptera:
Hydraenidae). Entomol. Probl. 29 (2): 109-110.
Limnebius aguilerai sp.nov. is described from Moroccan Atlas. The species belongs to the
L. nitidus subgroup sensu Jäch, being most closely related to L. maurus
Balfour-Browne, with an Ibero-north African
Schödl S. 1998.
Taxonomic revision of Enochrus (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) I. The E. bicolor
species complex. Entomol. Probl. 29 (2): 111-127.
The Enochrus bicolor complex of species (subg. Lumetus
Zaitzev) is revised. Five species are
known so far to occur in the Palearctic realm: Enochrus (Lumetus) bicolor
(Fabricius), E. (L.) falcarius
Hebauer, E. (L.) segmentinotatus
(Kuwert), E. (L.) sinuatus
d'Orchymont and E.
(L.) turanicus (Turkmenistan, Iran), the latter being described as new. Lectotypes
are designated for Philhydrus mediterraneus
Sahlberg, Philhydrus mediterraneus var.
transcaspicus Sahlberg, Philhydrus
sahlbergi Kuwert, Philydrus apicinotus
Kuwert, Philydrus atricornis
Philydrus flavus Kuwert,
Philydrus labiatus Rey, Philydrus
maculiapex Kuwert, Philydrus segmentinotatus
Kuwert, Philydrus sternospina
Kuwert, Philydrus
unguidebilis Kuwert and Philydrus vultur
The following new synonyms are established: Enochrus bicolor (F.)
(= E. yukinoae Matsui syn.nov.);
E. segmentinotatus (Kuwert)
(= Philydrus apicinotus Kuwert
syn.nov. = Philydrus maculiapex Kuwert
syn.nov. = Philydrus vultur
Kuwert syn.nov. = Philhydrus mediterraneus var. transcaspicus
Sahlberg syn.nov.). Distribution data
are given, a key to the species is provided and morphological details are illustrated.
Zettel H. 1998.
Four new species of Hydrotrephes (Heteroptera: Helotrephidae) from Thailand and Laos.
Entomol. Probl. 29 (2): 129-137.
Four Hydrotrephes species, Hydrotrephes mirus sp.nov. (from Thailand: Mae Hong Son),
H. schillhammeri sp.nov. (from Laos: Luang Nam Tha), H. septentrionalis sp.nov.
(from Thailand: Mae Hong Son, Chiang Mai, Loei; Laos: Luang Nam Tha), and H. yupae sp.nov.
(from Thailand: Lampang, Phetchabun, Chiang Mai) are
described. A dimorphism of the cephalonotum of some Hydrotrephes
species in connection with wing dimorphism is briefly discussed. The female subgenital plate of
H. martini (Kirkaldy, 1904) is figured for
the first time. Three species groups are defined.
Vít S. & Hlaváè P. 1998.
Review of Euconnus (Tetramelus) of the reitteri group (Coleoptera: Scydmaenidae).
Entomol. Probl. 29 (2): 139-147.
The lectotype is designated for Euconnus reitteri
Saulcy, the lectotype of Euconnus kraussi
Reitter is reviewed and the status of the species
discussed. Complementary comments are made for the species E.
colchicus Franz, E. marinae
Franz and E. nachuzrischwilii
Franz and a new compilatory key is provided.
Schimmel R. 1998.
Neue und wenig bekannte Schnellkäfer aus Südostasien (Coleoptera: Elateridae).
Entomol. Probl. 29 (2): 149-155.
Nine species of Elateridae from Yunnan, Vietnam, Nepal and Meghalaya (North-Eastern India) are
described as new to science: Athous kubani sp.nov. (Yunnan), Athous
weigeli sp.nov. (Nepal), Neoathousius hartmanni sp.nov. (Nepal), Parapenia sausai
sp.nov., Penia foveolata sp.nov., P. jowaiensis sp.nov., P.
necessa sp.nov., P. oblonga sp.nov. (Meghalaya) and Pectocera gibberosa sp.nov.
(Vietnam). Furthermore, new records of P. horrida
Schimmel & Platia, 1992, from Meghalaya are given.